LST 393 Volunteer Opportunities
Help us to preserve the the ship for future generations and expand our educational programs.
There are many ways you can volunteer your time and/or talents for USS LST 393! Please examine the selections below and see if there is a role for you.
If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a volunteer, call us at (231) 730-1477

Members of the Michigan LST Association pause during
the restoration of the ship's galley in 2001
Restoration / Preservation
Painting, cleaning, polishing, etc… Some experience is preferred, but we will train! Plumbing, electrical, and carpentry also needed. Your rewards are immediate as you help bring LST 393 shipshape and back to her WWII configuration!!
Library, Archives, Collections
Although prior experience is not necessary, anyone with previous library, archiving, artifact preservation/restoration, or other museum experience on any level is especially encouraged to volunteer.
Summer Programs – Assist with daily tours as a docent – Interpret USS LST 393 and exhibits to group tours of all ages.
Office / Clerical
Filing – Assist Board of Directors and Chairman with organizing files, mailings, data collection.
Phone – Call members during fund and membership drives.
Personal – Meet with potential donors for fund-raising campaigns. Assist in researching and writing grant requests.
General Positions
Greeter/ Tour Guide/Tour Ticket sales – Greet and sell tour tickets to visitors wishing to take the self guided tour. Assist and lead visitor groups opting for a guided tour.
Membership advisor – Alert visitors to membership benefits and sell memberships when appropriate.
Gift Shop – Clean, dust, stock and sell merchandise and assist customers with questions.
House Keeping
Light Cleaning – Clean, sweep, changing light bulbs, and other cleaning duties.
Special Events
Friday Night Movies on Deck – Prepare, serve and sell refreshments in the food booth, assist in set-up, and take-down activities.
Be available (on call) for other Special Events and fund raisers to perform duties as necessary, including set-up and take-down.
Speakers Bureau – Speak to groups about USS LST 393 and its programs.